While the writers of Courtney Love's blog, What Courtney Wore Today, clearly support David Bard in his bid to reclaim the Chelsea Hotel Courtney Love seems to have a thing for Andre Balazs -- we think:
hmmmm…. We vote Mr. Bard. Clc just tells us “Its entirely unrelated. I have my own property adventures to deal with and I’ve certainly learned a lot. I hope that the residents don’t loathe Mr. B as i’ve heard. In fact, if he bought it and clearly I’m not commenting on that, but I will say whatever is going to happen, has happened. The Chelsea is special beyond belief. I will only say that my Mr. B isn’t this terrible person they’re afraid of. He’s a
good hearted lovely man and he takes care and respects artists on every level. If he does start, hypothetically speaking, selling, and I’m not commenting further except to say he will be very choosy about who gets in, in the best way. Socialites dancing on the roof? No. He’s too cool to let that happen, bluntly stated: we have presently some befuddling mega difficulties but I trust Mr. B with my life. And no one there should. If he were to choose it, be afraid of him. His partners? That’s my problem but that will come out in the wash in my personal financial affairs. I believe VF is finally doing a story. Done correctly. I am wary of them, but perhaps if that scenario unfolds, he is perfectly capable of growing like a quiet panther and terrifying them into the shadows. No, Mr. B is actually a lovely good man. I wouldn’t entrust someone with my life if I wasn’t 110% positive of their intentions and integrity in a matter this delicate. That’s all. The Chelsea is something of a civic concern. A destroyer of place he is not.”Quite a recommendation for Balazs, although, if manager Arnold Tamasar is to be believed it comes a little too late.
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