On Sunday’s “Celebrity Ghost Sightings” program on the Bio Channel, Michael Imperioli revealed that he had been visited by a ghost named Mary while staying at the
Hi, folks.
Someone who saw the television show about Mary the Chelsea Hotel ghost sent me this question:
"Do you know anything about the young woman named Mary that was living at the Chelsea? She lived on the 8th floor and hung herself when her husband died on the titanic. I guess she has been seen there."
I forwarded it to the friend who visited the Chelsea -the
one who spoke with the spirits there--and asked her whether she recognized this one. Here's her response:
I think yes-
she was in front of a mirror-
checking out herself-
mirror was not in this world-
she in hat with plume-
hair large and gibson girlish-
she seeing if she was looking ok-
and acting like we were disturbing her boring self absorbed nature...
I remember my friend describing this person at the time, on the 8th floor. Then, my friend said she was looking in the mirror forever--never stopping. She described her as very vain.
Upon further questioning, our source revealed the location of the ghost as being, “. . .at the west end of the building were the archway is in that hallway -- where the original large apartment's entryway would have been. Supposedly, she was checking her reflection in a mirror next to the original front door.” Although a quick look back at our source’s original report in 2006 reveals that the mirror-gazing ghost was then haunting the fifth floor, like many
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