This video was filmed, at least partially (they had to use another room for the balcony scenes), in Room 822 of the Chelsea Hotel, the same room where Madonna shot her famous Sex book. I actually saw Taylor standing outside the room during a lull in the shooting, though of course I didn’t recognize her at the time. (She was wearing the same funereal black outfit she has on in the video, which is what jogged my memory.) At the time I figured she was just another young, pretty model of the kind who grace our halls for fashion shoots and the like. I did notice that Taylor was looking at me as if she expected me to shriek with delight and run over and ask for her autograph at any moment. And I would have too, obviously, except for the fact that I didn’t know Taylor Momsen from Taylor Swift or even Taylor Meade. It could have been my imagination, but I thought Taylor seemed a bit put out that I didn’t recognize her. Taylor, don’t kill yourself! You have your whole life ahead of you! I’ll ask for your autograph next time, I swear!
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