Hurray! Tee-shirts will save this sinking ship. Good Plan Marlene Krauss and Andrew Tilley. Actually there were already tee-shirts in the display case on the left of the desk. Now they’ve also appeared here on the right hand side of the desk. The tee-shirts in this case replaced the New York Times article on the history of the hotel as well as other documents related to the culture of the hotel.
This is not even smart from a business point of view as people who come here are interested in the rich counterculture history of the place. That’s the only thing that will make them want to buy a tee-shirt. Otherwise, they might as well have one from the Holiday Inn or the Hard Rock Café. And isn’t $30.00 steep as well. On the other hand, they’ll need to sale a lot of these tee-shirts to make up for all of the revenue they’re loosing on the vacant commercial space, not to mention all of the empty rooms (occupancy rate continues to hover around 30%).
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