Surprise! Our old buddy Glennon Travis has finally resurfaced from the muck. After a few months of selling golf clubs at a country club, Glennon now has a job at the old Riverview Hotel at the corner of
Actually, I’m sure there are a lot of fine people at the Riverview, including some artists, and they certainly don’t deserve this affront to their dignity. For, make no mistake, that’s what it is. Richard Born, for that is apparently who hired the boy again, knows that Glennon is not a qualified or even remotely appropriate manager for a residential building (if he didn’t know it before, then he certainly does now, after the Chelsea fiasco). Born hired Glennon because he wants to empty the Riverview of rent stabilized tenants, and he knows that Glennon has an irritating, abrasive, and obnoxious personality that will make tenants want to move to New Jersey (or shoot themselves in the head) rather than have to deal with him. Though a better career move for him would have been to take a job as night watchman at Ice Station Zero in Antactica, Glennon can now take pride in being a sought-after specialist in the fine art of driving people bat-shit crazy.
Unfortunately for the folks at the Riverview, they don’t have quite so high a media profile as we have here at the Chelsea, which deprives them of an important weapon in combating the greedy developers who are looting the city. Already, according to a Riverview resident’s e-mail, occupancy in the SRO is down from 200 to 50 due to evictions since Born took over. The good news is, residents are fighting back, and have taken a step that we creative types at the Chelsea never thought of, saddling Glennon with the ridiculous nickname of “Gigi” in recompense for the renaming of their august hotel as the insipid-sounding “Jane Hotel” (?!?!) May the ghosts of the Titanic survivors rise up from the briny deep this Halloween and drag Gigi and Born and all their sociopathic ilk down to Davey Jones’s locker where the fish can condo-ize their barnacle-encrusted bones. -- Ed Hamilton
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