Writer Paul Berger has a bang up piece about the Chelsea and its recent turmoil in The Guardian this week. Left out of the piece for reasons of space is the sad saga of long-time Chelsea resident Jann Paxton who is dying of cancer and – apparently receiving no sympathy from Krauss and Elder -- facing eviction from his rent stabilized apartment. For more about Jann read Paul Berger’s blog and Chris Shott’s recent article on the former singer/songwriter.
The Brits had another opportunity to learn about the Chelsea situation on Thursday when Ed was a guest on Big George's late night radio show on BBC. George's interview celebrates the rock -n- roll history of the hotel. Big George and his friend JoAnne were recent guests here at the Hotel and they are very concerned about the removal of the Bards from the Hotel. (Photo: Paxton's Dog Ginger, by Paul Berger)
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