Well Michael Maher, the Australian documentarian who produced a film about the blog and the gentrification of the Chelsea and a piece about Coney Island, is at it again. Be sure to catch his latest, a short piece about that legendary meeting place of musicians and eccentrics of all sorts in a store front of -- where else but -- the Chelsea Hotel.
Highlights include footage of a guy trying to sell proprietor Dan Courtney a guitar, and of Johnny Cash's son-in-law, John Leventhal, a regular at the shop, expressing the opinion that if he comes in enough times maybe Dan will give him one of these beautiful guitars! Neighborhood fixture Vlad the Bluesman of 23rd Street puts in a brief appearance.
Be sure to stop by the store and give Dan some business or just hang out. Maybe Coby will play the banjo for you! With the way things are going aroudn here Dan's Chelsea Guitars may not be around forever.
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