Well ain't that a bitch. It seems that BD, showing total disrespect for the landmarks commission in making the top story of their Greenwich Hotel too big and visible from the street, may now have to remove the offending structure from their building and start again. And to add insult to injury, NY Times food critic Joe Frank Bruni recently panned the new restaurant Ago that they opened on the ground floor of the building. (They made him wait 52 minutes for his reservation! Hey guys, get a photo of Bruni and shove it in all of your employees faces unitl it's inprinted on their brain, okay? (Is Glennon Travis your new maitre'd, or what?)
We can only attirubte all of this misfortune to the bad karma you guys built up when you took over the Chelsea. You dind't seriously think our ghosts were going to leave you alone, did you? They are like the Furies of the ancient Greeks! We have sent Sid and Dee Dee and Hiroya after you to dog you to your grave! Ha ha ha ha hahaha! -- Ed Hamilton
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