Yes!!!! The Chelsea still has it! It’s refreshing to be reminded that, despite renovations, gentrification, and the corporate takeover, the Chelsea still retains an almost supernatural power to scare the bejesus out of unsuspecting tourists. And this one’s from Ireland, too, which is not exactly famous for its luxury accommodations. Show me the worst flophouse in Vietnam, I dare you. The Chelsea will make it look like the Ritz.
Perceptive blog readers may notice that we’ve already received a report from the woman’s boyfriend:
There was a German couple staying next door to us in the transient room. One afternoon I ran into the man coming out of his room, and I said, “How are you enjoying your stay here at the Chelsea?”
“Oh, it was great until yesterday, when my wife packed up and went back to Germany without telling me.”
“Wow! That is a bummer,” I said. “Did she not like New York? I know it can be very fast-paced and intimidating.”
“She liked New York fine.”
“Then maybe it was the hotel. You know, there are some people who really hate it.”
“No, she loved the hotel,” the man said. “I think it was just me.”
Turns out her early departure may have had something to do with the accommodations after all.
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