According to the New York Times, commenters are the new blog stars. Damn, and we thought we were the stars! Anyway, this gives us an excuse to take a look at some of the comments left at Gawker when they linked to "Meet the Man Behind the Memos," which has become, unexpectedly, quite a popular post: I wonder how many speedballs I would have to send over to Hotel Chelsea to have this poseur end up on floor, flatlining and surrounded by transsexual hookers a la Lapo "Constructor of Design Forward Shares for Twats" Elkann ... But I'm a lot older than Mr. Chelsea 2007 and I hate hotels, travel, drinking and above all, friends.
HAMBURGERHOTDOG 10/01/07 05:13 PM I wish St. Louis would stop sending their Eurotrash here and send them off to Kansas City where they belong.
MATTGAYMON AT 10/01/07 05:15 PM How many 26 y/o eurotrash beachbums from St Louis can one city take? Blasberg better watch his back.
GENERALMILLS 10/01/07 05:17 PM St Louis is the sixth Balkan.
BY GORGEOUSGEORGE AT 10/01/07 05:18 PM As a laid-back East Asian white guy from Sandusky, I wish those European Missourians would stick to their side of the fence! And don't even get me started about the Australians from Cedar Rapids. They're even worse than the Belgian Wisconsinites.
BY TRAMPOLINE AT 10/01/07 05:58 PM @Intern Lauren : as it happens, I am a beach bum from St. Louis . For years, I was labeled Eurotrash, but all confusion was allayed when I came out as gay.
BY HOWNOWBROWNCOW AT 10/01/07 06:24 PM How can one be a beach-bum from St. Louis? How is that even possible? Unless mudfront property within a stone's throw of a riverboat casino counts as beach these days. . .
I know it's all meant in the spirit of fun, but really now, who are you blog stars to question this man's self-defined identity? It smacks of trashism, and pseudo-europhobia. I think your new-found fame has blinded you to what is reallly important in life, which is that -- the gigantic pink cupcake is gone from 23rd Street!
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