According to an article in The Observer, rock-and-roll hairstylist April Barton's rent on her salon, Suite 303, is being increased to a whopping $30,000 a month! And she doesn't even have a storefront. Apparently BD (or their financial backers) thinks it can make more money renting the space nightly as a hotel room.
April has been here since 1995, becoming an integral part of the Chelsea dynamic, and it would be a shame to lose her. Luckily, her lease runs through September 2009, and who knows with will happen by that point. We could all be gone -- or BD itself could be gone!
Anyway, April is not alone. A couple of months ago we spoke with another retail tenant, Dentist Peter Ferro, about his plans for the future. We'll post that interview shortly.
(Photo: Chris Schott)
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