Stanley gives one of his last interviews in his role of “Goodwill Ambassador” in the prestigious German weekly, Die Zeit. Since we don’t know German, we had a couple of German filmmakers translate some of it. Anyway, the tidbits we gleaned is that Stanley studied bookkeeping and psychology, and that he ran the hotel, with a little bit of bookkeeping and a lot of psychology. Unfortunately, by this point, Stanley probably wishes he had focused more on the bookkeeping. But it may well prove the psychology that is BD Hotel’s Achilles Heel.
Also, in response to BDs claims that they don’t want to change anything, but just clean the place up a bit, Stanley says, “Suddenly we’re supposed to be dirty.”
One thing that’s not reported in the article is that while Barbara Nolte was conducting her interview with Stanley, David Elder was chasing Stanley through the lobby to monitor what he said, and to make sure that he, Elder, was quoted as well. Our minds wandered as the filmmakers translated Elder’s typically inane prattle about fisheads, greed, and dog poop. Strangely, he didn’t say anything about Piri Thomas, and we don’t know anything more, though by now the judge has hopefully ruled in favor of the legendary writer --- and has sent Elder to sleep with the goldfish in the pet shop of his choice. (Well, they already know about Piri Thomas in Germany anyway.)
Or maybe he can just go live in one of those big, leaky aquariums developers keep throwing up around the city. -- Ed Hamilton
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