In an article in the NY Post last Thursday, it’s reported that ASCAP (American Society of Composers, Authors and Publishers) is suing Hiro Ballroom in the Maritime Hotel for hundreds of thousands of dollars for playing songs without paying the artists royalties. BD Hotels, of course, owns the Maritime, and it’s no accident they’re associated with such scoundrels.
It’s one thing to play a CD in a bar, but Hiro is a hoity-toity nightclub for the rich. They can afford to pay the musicians from whom they are profiting.
Really though, if you hadn’t already suspected it, this should tip you off that BD has no respect for anyone engaged in a creative pursuit. If you life isn’t wholly devoted to grubbing for money then you’re fair game. Luckily, some of our number have the where withal to fight back against these soulless bloodsuckers. So more power to Bon Jovi and AC/DC!
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