I suppose by now everyone in the building has heard rumors of the recent incident in which an older lady – we’ll call her Spunky—attacked a staff member with a broom. Spunky was checking out the vacant room next to hers for signs of paranormal activity – a valid concern around here – when the staff member came in and ordered her out. Bristling at what she perceived as a tone of disrespect; Spunky moved swiftly to teach him some manners. Though intending a mere love-tap on his shoulder, the staff member unwisely moved his head in the way at the last moment, causing Spunky to brain him full on the noggin with her broom.
Dazed, the staff member staggered off and called the cops, and soon they arrived five strong, to restrain the small woman. Luckily, they decided not to arrest her.
The reason I bring this up is that it serves to demonstrate that many of our residents, especially the older ones, have needs that the new management must take special care to address with the sensitivity they deserve. I think I’m safe in saying that Stanley Bard probably wouldn’t have allowed the episode to come to that. One of his main talents was in mediating such disputes as this.
In fairness, I must add that Spunky mentioned that the new desk manager (or whatever he his) Glennon was understanding when she talked to him after the fact. Maybe there is some hope for this place after all.
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