Chris Shott's piece in Tuesday's New York Observer was a very disappointing read. There is little new information and some recycled quotes from his earlier piece. Marlene Krauss continues to be in shrill denial mode:the hotel is not for sale; Andre Balazs is not associated with the hotel. And I'm sure Stanley is still the "Good Will Ambassador," whatever the hell that means.
Actually, there is one revealing piece of info: Marlene says that renovation of the building could run as high as $50 million! Is the building in that bad a shape? What else could she be talking about if not a gut renovation? I'm really asking.
Anyway, Chris, were' waiting for your indepth expose of Marlene's recent descent into paranoia. Last week, she had rent-a-cops (by some accounts armed) who looked like rejected extras from the Sopranos stationed in the lobby in case Stanley and David rode in from New Jersey to steal paintings off the wall at gun point!
Or maybe she felt she needed her own Mafia to counter the sinister Bohemian mobsters who left a goldfish head in front of David Elder's door.
Hey Marlene, I hear the title "Queen of Mean" is up for grabs, now that hotelier Leona Helmsley has departed for warmer climes. -- Ed Hamilton
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