Since the hostile take over occurred in mid-June appx.175 stories have been published about the Bards and the famed Hotel Chelsea. Definitely, one of the most covered stories of the Summer. In my opinion, 99% of these stories show support for the Bards and the Chelsea hotel community. Below is a list of most of the coverage with links to many of the stories. And, the end is not in sight. Journalists continue to contact us on a weekly basis. Kudos to the media for continuing to follow this story.
Coverage Since July 14
Main Stream Media: New York Times, Village Voice, New York Observer, amNewYork, Newsday, Globe and Mail, New York Post, Irish Times, Speigel, Die,,, Portada TERRA COLOMBIA, Stay Thirsty
Not Available Online: German Public Radio
MSM: New York Times, New York Post, Reuters, The Independent, The Age, New York Times again,, Western Mail, The Australian, ABC News (AU),,, Village Voice, New York Post again, Chelsea Now,
Blogs: Gothamist,, Curbed, Gawker, Hotel Chatter, NY,, Larry Person, Found in Brooklyn, The Huffington Post, The Real Deal, Newyorkology, Gothamist again, Curbed Again, Hoover Factory, Human Under Construction, The Wit of the Staircase, Contemporary Arts Review, Artsjournal, Chez Bez, Nikki Allen, Hochparterre International, Punk Turns 30, Hotel Chatter again, Ephemerist, I'm Not a Cat Lady, Mad Pilot, best year ever, again Bloggy Bloggy dew, Gothamist again, Hotel Chatter again, artloversny, dolphinhotel, Moon of Saturn,
Stories Not Available Online: International Hearld Tribune, Windsor Star (CA), Canberra Times (AU),
Week 2
MSM: New York Post, NYC Resident, BizBash, Fodors, Agence France-Presse, Metro France, South Asian Women's Forum, India, Tiscali (uk), Show Biz & Style Inquirer, Tiscali Actualidad, Turkish Press
Blogs: Gawker, Curbed, Gothamist, NYMag, Hotel Chatter, LeVanguardia, Grumpy Old Bookman, NYMag again, Warhol Stars, NYMag again, Design Age, Guida USA, All of Me, NYMag again, Hotel Chatter again, Walking Turcot Yards, Blogs a part, Toll Booths and Train Stops, Disembedded, Do Not Feed Water Fowl, Newbie in New York, Moons of Saturn, Hoover Factory, Detroit Crazy, Guerrero Llevado Adentro, Entre le Uni i la Ciutat, Mr. Heng's World, Artsy Fartsy, Robert Paterson's Weblog, Disembedded again,
Stories Not Available Online: TV5 (france), LaVanguardia (2 stories in addition to the blog post), Italian TV (ran some footage from the 5/15 Australian documentary and updated the story)
Week 3
MSM: New York Times, Toronto Star, NY Post, The Villager, Raw Story,
Blogs: Finally, we don't have to do all of the work: Living with Leeches, curbed, libero,, racked, vagablond,
Not Available Online: 1010 Wins -- The Joe Montone Show, Le Matin Bleu (Free Daily paper in Switzerland)
Week 4
MSM: Sunday Times (South Africa's largest daily paper), Financial Times, New York Times
Blogs: The Shophound, (Shophound thinks we have a "buzz generating restaurant" in our future here at the hotel), Newyorkology, NY Mag, curbed, blogchelsea
(Thanks to Sparkle for a lot of these links.)
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