The recent move by the Board of Directors, led by Marlene Krauss, to replace Stanley Bard with Ira Drucker Associates, has proved none too popular in these parts. Due to overwhelming tenant support and media interest, Stanley has been allowed to stay on at the hotel, albeit in a reduce role of "Consultant' or "goodwill ambassador." While this is not ideal, it's good to know we'll still have him here to look after our interests.
Sadly, Stanley's son, David, has apparently been told there is no place for him in the new order (at least at this time.) It's a shame he never got the chance to run the place himself. He's still young, however, so perhaps in a few years he'll be back, as we hear that control of the hotel will eventually revert back to the Bard family. They are, after all, still the majority shareholders.
We need to remain vigilant, and keep up the pressure so that Stanley will continue to have a say in the running of the hotel, rather than being gradually forced out, and so that there'll still be something left of the place for David to come back to.
Blogs: Gothamist,, Curbed, Gawker, Hotel Chatter, NY,, Larry Person, Found in Brooklyn, The Huffington Post, The Real Deal, Newyorkology, Gothamist again, Curbed Again, Hoover Factory, Human Under Construction, The Wit of the Staircase, Contemporary Arts Review,
Artsjournal, Chez Bez, Nikki Allen, Hochparterre International, Punk Turns 30, Hotel Chatter again, Ephemerist, I'm Not a Cat Lady, Mad Pilot, best year ever, again Bloggy Bloggy dew, Gothamist again, Hotel Chatter again
MSM: New York Times, New York Post, Reuters, The Independent, The Age, New York Times again,, Western Mail, The Australian, ABC News (AU),,, Village Voice,
Stories Not Available Online: International Hearld Tribune, Windsor Star (CA), Canberra Times (AU),
Rubenstein's Corporate Press Release
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