I read on curbed.com that the penthouse/architectural abomination atop the old McBurney Y is finally up for sale. Flippers and speculators need not apply, as we don’t take kindly to your type in these here parts. But if you have a sincere desire to live in Chelsea, this 12,900 sq. ft. space can be yours for the bargain basement price of $7.4 million. This seems like a lot less than what similar places were going for in the building in recent years, but this is probably due more to a softening of the market, rather than to a growing realization that the building is not quite what it’s cracked up to be.
If you choose to take advantage of this deal, welcome to the neighborhood! Rest assured that you will be resented by both the common rabble of the streets, and by your rich neighbors as well. By us commoners, because you will have appropriated our beloved community institution. By your rich neighbors because they believed when they moved in that they would have the use of the roof. I’m sure to some of you jet-setting high-rollers this will make the property even more appealing, which is a good thing for the developer, as otherwise you could surely find something better on Park Avenue or in Tribeca.
Of course, in the ad for the place, they pledge to spend $120,000 to renovate the basement corridor—er, excuse me, the “lobby”—and to put in a doorman (wouldn’t you think they would have one already?!) Am I paranoid in suspecting that something is wrong with this picture when that’s the first thing they mention in the ad? My advice: get it in writing.
And by the way, how are you going to like spending all that money and then having to throw your dinner parties in a building with a huge, gaudy “Jag” ad on the side. Classy, eh! (Ed Hamilton)
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