Want to make somebody who lives in the hotel (or aspires to that honor) happy this year? Below is a wish list:
1. What would you like for the Holidays?
Robert Shaw: a Passage to New York.
Mia Hanson: a Kirlian Camera and an orgone aura.
Hawk Alfredson: 23 daze in space.
Rita Barros: a plane ticket to Portugal.
Name Withheld: a lawyer at my beck and call around the clock.
Dahlia: an all expense paid vacation to Paris.
Ed: a foosball table. Oh wait, I already have one!
2. What do you recommend for the Hotel Chelsea fans on your list?
Robert Shaw: a passage to New York.
Mia Hanson: a genuine H.C. genie and an oscillating Kirlian camera.
Rita Barros: a lobster dinner at El Quijote next door.
Dalhia: a Chelsea t-shirt, umbrella, or a copy of Arthur Weinstein’s original artwork of Sid Vicious against the profile of the railing and the Chelsea Hotel sign.
Debbie: Dee Dee Ramone’s unpublished autographical manuscript so they can pass it off as their own--and say they wrote it at the Chelsea for that extra special marketing touch.
And hey, talk about dreams coming true: Robert Shaw, our correspondent from Australia, better known (to some) as Carrie Bedsore and/or Cherrie Ramone, has already had his wish granted and he’ll be heading on up to the top of the world in February for a stay at the Chelsea. How’s that for the power of this legendary edifice to fulfill your deepest, most secret desires? I kid you not, fellow Chelseaites and kindred untamed spirits, so whatever you do, keep on dreaming. Maybe you too will get a holiday visit from the H.C. genie.
(Photo: Chelsea Hotel, 2002)
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