We must admit, we were puzzled by those dog-napped flyers posted in the elevator last night. Fortunately, this very helpful e-mail landed in our box this morning.
Outlaw Bloggers Please Help!
Heartbreaking news, but some yet-unmasked Super-kriminal lurking the Chelsea's hallways has cruelly dog-napped our beloved companion Uk-Peesch (ook-peesh), a rare mix of German Shepard,
plexiglas and gorilla glue who faithfully stood sentinel over the 2nd Floor residents ever since being rescued from certain incineration at least a month ago. So far no ransom demand which has us worried shes finally fallen prey to cultists. If anyone has information leading to the recovery of Uk-Peesch or the swift apprehension of her captors, your identity will be kept in the strictest confidence. Uk-Peesch, if you're reading this, we love you. Please Come Home.

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