Double Exposure recently interviewed the Chelsea’s own Lothar Troeller. Lothar got his first camera at age seven and never looked back. He met his wife Linda in Salzberg where she was teaching. Linda asked her students if they wanted to participate in her new project, “Erotic Lives of Men” and Lothar was the only one daring enough to volunteer. (Those other guys really missed out!) He came to New York in 2001 to ease our shortage of math teachers, and was soon reunited with Linda. For the past five years Lothar has been working on a book of photographs of Linda, and a smaller project of cell phone images. He and Linda plan to open a gallery, called Room 914, in the Chelsea Hotel sometime in the future. The Gallery will show the couple’s own work, and give international photographers a place to exhibit as well. It sounds like a great idea—and what better place for it than the Chelsea?--so stay tuned to the blog, and we’ll give you more details as soon as we learn them. (Photo: Lothar at age 9)
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