Another Sunday, and time once again to pat ourselves on the back for being the very first hotel blog and for being even remotely interesting to boot. Now, however, we’re pleased to announce that the field of hotel humor bloggin appears to be entering its golden age, with sites springing up like shit-house mushrooms.
The sites include:
Hotel Bed Jumping -- Pictures and videos of hotel mattress abuse.
Hotel Bed Headquarters – Pictures of beds overloaded with too many pillows, and mattress brands you’ve never heard of used by various hotels around the world.
Hotel Bathrooms Exposed – Out favorite by far: hotel bathroom throne humor.
Why do these sites succeed where others just bore you to death? Maybe because they are non-corporate. Hotel Bathroom Exposed founder, Chris Clarke, recently wrote to us and shared his secret:
I've been a fan of your Chelseablog for a long time now. Actually it's your work that got me thinking about hotel-trade blogging in the first place about six months ago. I've been trying to develop a style that is different from the "regular" hotel press and see where it takes me.
How’s that for making your mark on the blogosphere? Now all we need is a merger and a blog to book deal: The Best of Chelsea Hotel Potty Humor. (Photo: Some guy destroying a matress at the rival faux art hotel, The Gershwin.)
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