Celebrations were held throughout the land to honor Andy Warhol, who would have been 78 on August 6. The USPS issued a new Andy Warhol commemorative stamp on Wednesday. The stamp features Warhol's "Self-Portrait,1964." Better stock up now before they turn up for sale on e-bay! Update: Correction from the Post Gazette & a reader.
The Allentown Museum held an Andy Warhol look-a-like contest. The winner was a 16 year-old boy. Lucky kid. Good luck with adolescence.
Over at Gothamist, you can view a clip of Nico and the Velvet Underground rehearsing at The Factory in 1966. No Andy, but what the hell. Nico actually lived at the Chelsea, instead of just turning up to bother Stanley with his cameras and a gang of wierdos now and again.
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