What do you do?
I own a design company. Basically I´am a design facilitator working with various european designers on various products for my company may-day. I also work with the competition sometimes as well as doing art deals on rare occasions.
When did you first stop by the Chelsea?
I stopped there for a few days in 1989. Being 19 alone in NYC in the late 80´s was a source of worry for my mother, and when I insisted on staying at The Chelsea and not in some established chain,she nearly fell apart. I must admit I was a litle spooked by the prospect myself but as it turned out I´ve never felt more safe. And it is this strange feeling I get as soon as I enter the lobby, I feel at home and free. It´s still the same when you come back David L is reading his paper and Jerry is at the front desk. (Welcome Back I got you 619 that you requested it´s very nice and cheap). It took me a few weeks of hagling with Stanley before he gave me the room I would be happy in.He had me in a room on the second floor with a shared bathroom and no heating in november I was wearing skipants and a jacked. So I moved a few times even spent a night in that room thats not there anymore(You know the one) and had the freight of my adult life 20 sec of total fear. Of cause there was a natural explanation for what happend but for 20 sec my heart stopped.
What inspired you to stay at the Chelsea?
I`am not sure where I first heard about The Chelsea.I can´t imagine where a teenager on the other side of the Atlantic would hear about such a place. Bad company I suppose...
How'd you become interested in Ken Noland's work?
Well I was lucky to grow up in a house with a collection of abstract art and Noland was represented with a couple of works from the 60´s . Then in 1977 one of his new Shaped Canvases came from Leo Castelli in giant wooden frame box. I was seven and helped unwrap it. And I realized that these new paintings were somewhere in between an abstract sculpture and flat surface painting.
I had never seen anything like it. So since that day he´s been one of my favorites.
What changes have you noticed since the 1980s?
I think the old lady is in better condition now than then it´s certantly a lot more light in the hall ways and less grotty. The main thing I remember from my first time. Is the building´s noises and the sweet smell on the staircase. The heaters have a life of their own and you will never forget the amount of noise coming from them at the same time the dumpster trucks collect the trash on 23rd at 5 in the morning.
Do you think the Chelsea has a creative spirit?
Of course there is a vibe something has to linger when so many creative minds stayed under one roof for all these years. If the tenants had all been body nazies Iám sue the wibe would quite different. We will never know thank god... Will it make a less creative person more creative probably not. One must not forget than many a man has been swallowed up in belly of the beast.
What’s the best/worst thing that has happened to you at the Chelsea?
My self induced freakout in the room that does not exist.
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