If you’ve ever wondered about that bearded guy in the flowing robe and the turban who’s been wondering the halls of the Hotel Chelsea with a bird on his arm, well, wonder no more. His name is Alan Parrot (the T is silent), and that bird is not a parrot, but rather a falcon.
Parrot has been raising and training these birds of prey since his youth, and his unique ability with falcons has allowed him access to the inner circles of the mighty oil sheiks of the Middle East, who consider falcon hunting a sign of power, success, and masculinity. Parrot now runs the Union for the Conservation of Raptors, which works to end illegal smuggling of these beautiful animals, which are fast becoming endangered.
Through his association with the oil Sheiks, Parrot became aware of a secret source of organization and funding for the terrorist group al Qaeda. Apparently, falcon hunting camps sponsored by legitimate Arab leaders serve as clandestine venues where they can meet with al Quada operatives. Since his discovery, Parrot has been working to bring the existence of this network to the attention of the American people.
Where else would he stay but at the Hotel Chelsea? We hear his falcon likes it here too, what with all of the yummy mice. Thanks to Jean Pearson for the tip and the photo.
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