Monday, July 3, dusk
If you haven't seen director Robert Altman's first studio feature, M*A*S*H, in a while here's your chance. About a month ago we met Altman's charming wife Kathryn at a party here at the Chelsea Hotel.
Bryant Park, Note: The lawn opens at 5pm. Though the film won't begin until dusk (between 8 and 9pm), arrive early for a good seat. FREE.
Tuesday, July 4, 10:30 p.m.
After the fireworks, Susanne Bartsch and Kenny Kenny invite you to Happy Valley Tuesdays. Hosts: Sophia Lamar, Miranda Moondust, Kim Aviance, Theodora and Amanda Lepore. Show: Julie Atlas Mews & Stars and Stripes
14 East 27th St., NY NY
Wednesday, July 5, 1:30, 3:30, 5:30, 7:30, 9:30
The Lost Weekend. (1945) Failed writer Ray Milland hits the sauce and bottom in Wilder’s first Best Picture Oscar-winner. Famous sequences include the bat and mouse hallucination and a desperate search for a drink on Yom Kippur (filmed on Third Ave. locations). The Lost Weekend is based on the bestselling novel by former Hotel Chelsea resident Charles Jackson. Jackson took an overdose of sleeping pills in the Chelsea in 1968.
Film Forum, 209 West Houston, NY NY
Thursday, July 6, 11:00 a.m.
Catch the encore broadcast of Gerald Busby's weekly Internet radio show, Collaborations.
Friday, July 7, 11:00 - 6:00
If you didn't make it to Coney Island this past weekend that's ok. You can stay close to home and get a feel for the amusement park. This summer, Ricco/Maresca Gallery will present original drawings, blueprints, and vintage photographs of New York City’s favorite amusement park, Coney Island. Never before has this collection been on exhibit to the public. The show closes August 19.
Ricco/Maresca Gallery, 529 West 20th Street, 3rd Floor NY NY
If you have a relevant event you want featured on All Tomorrow's Parties e-mail the information to [email protected]
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