If you’re in Wales any time soon you can drop by the Dylan Thomas Centre in Swansea and view their newest acquisition: a suit supposedly worn by Dylan while he was living at the Chelsea. Not his suit, mind you, but a suit that he borrowed from the artist Jorge Fick and wore around for awhile. How do they come to this conclusion? Well, the suit has an ink
stain in the pants pocket. (Photos: Dylan Thomas & Jorge Fick)
We recently met the writer Sherill Tippins (she's writing a history of the Chelsea) over drinks at the El Quijote, and to tell you the truth I don't think she would accept this evidence.
Sherill would be checking that ink stain against the ink in all known samples of Dylan’s handwriting! If they're making it up, she'll tell them what's real. The Chelsea is all about myth. I hope no one around here mistakes this place for reality. Now that would be really insane.
Also of interest is the contention that Jorge Fick, rather than living at the Chelsea, merely stored his clothes here. I’m consumed with envy at this story – because we don’t even have a closet in which to hang our clothes. We’ve been after Stanley lately to let us use the hall closet—which doesn’t have much in it—but he probably entertains ideas of renting it out to a midget, or better yet to a gnome or a leprechaun, should one happen by.
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