Jen Chung, the editor of Gothamist, has always dreamed of living at the Chelsea. Well we wish she would move in too and then we would do a big blog merger -- underwritten by Stanley Bard of course! (Ooops, wrong Jen. Again, that's what happens when you blog under the influence. Here's Jen Carlson the Gothamist dreamer.)
Gothamist also points out a real problem: the hotel is just too damn expensive. If you’re a young, struggling writer or artist –unless you have a trust fund – there’s no way in hell you can afford to live here. This of course goes against the century-old tradition of the Chelsea. How else do you think all those famous people came to live here? Most of them weren’t famous when they moved in. As one of our most illustrious residents recently said to me, “Looks like we’re at the tail end of the comet here.” That’s why we started the blog, to try to preserve some of the contemporary going ons around here before we’re all overrun by yuppies. (Hell, I don’t even know any yuppies who can afford this place anymore.)
Jen also dreams of blogging from Leonard Cohen’s room for a day. We think that room is already occupied, but we suggest that she blog from the lobby. (Free WiFi and the chance to hobnob with eccentric locals.) Plus, it’s the heart of the hotel – in the exact same way the little girl’s room is the heart of the house in the Poltergeist movies. We would blog from there ourselves, but we're afraid of being sucked into the vortex of madness and never again emerging with our sanity intact. Good luck on that! (Let us know if you decide to do it, and we’ll come down and meet you.)
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