Seeing as how the tourists often end up with "Dave the Poet," in their lobby photos, we were hoping that Dave would reveal the dark inner secrets of the lobby, but I guess we're going to have to get him drunk first.
Which poet do you most admire and how have they inspired your poetry? For my two cents, John Berryman's The Dream Songs is the brassiest work ever put on a page; to have created such mysterious beauty while simultaneously taking evil on board is as divine as it gets. The guy therefore loaned me his courage.
We hear that you’re working on a project about Herbert Huncke, how did that come about?
My friend and colleague, the eminent Dr. Timothy Sullivan, literally dropped Huncke's autobiography in my lap and suggested I check it. I read exactly two pages and made a beeline, albeit a gimpy one, for my room where I called my brother and my agent and convinced everyone that I ought to get the rights to this story. By day's end, me and Huncke were on our way.
In all of your time enjoying the view from the lobby, what’s the most interesting lobby scene that you’ve witnessed?
I don't really find the lobby trip so interesting. For me, it's pure, selfish pleasure. To read and get laid back and see and shoot the breeze with kind, fun people for hours at a time gives me the biggest kick.
Tell us about your work in the film industry.
That would be a looong, very boring story, but I've done, and am doing pretty all right. At least to the degree that I've got to a point where unless I'm feelin' it;.. the hell with it, the hell with me. Fair enough and just how I always pictured it. I guess you might say, I'm just livin' the dream.
How long have you lived at the Chelsea? Twelve years, though not consecutive.
What inspired you to move into the Chelsea? Mr. Bard was the only man in town willing to give me a lease without checking my credit.
How did you score your apartment? I was in LA, just returned from Paris and was a trifle out of pocket. I was there bumming five g's off my brother so I could get back to New York. I bought a Village Voice and saw an ad for The Chelsea, advertising, weekly/monthly rates, so I asked a girlfriend of mine to grab me a room.
Do you think there is a creative energy in the Chelsea? Well, Christ, there ought to be.
How has living in the Chelsea affected your creative development?
I've no idea, but I'll bet it has.
What other creative people at the Chelsea or elsewhere have influenced your development? My gal, Berengere, who if I know any genius' she be the one: I steal everything I can off of her.
Who is the most famous person you’ve ever ridden with in the Chelsea elevator? Arthur Miller.
What’s the best/worst thing that has ever happened to you at the Chelsea? I died, (worst), and resurrected, (best, I guess); thereby fulfilling a lifelong Lazarus complex.
Do you know if any famous folks have lived in your room? We'se all jes' plain folks in this here room.
What’s your favorite Hotel Chelsea story? I like the ones about Jerry and Stanley being busboys in the Catskills when they were sprites.
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