On November 10, the Grand Ballroom of the Chelsea Hotel was a setting reminiscent of The Factory. Thirty-nine new mattresses were artfully stacked around the room and covered with tattered shawls and afghans. The event curator, Dean, clad in a leather skirt, drug bottles of beer from the bar to the beds. On a stage littered with roses and empty bottles of Jack Daniels, Jack Doroshow (Flawless Sabrina), rang up Andy Warhol, whom I assume is comfortably situated somewhere in the Grand Ballroom of the Beyond. Flawless brought Andy up to speed on what’s been going on:
JD: Hello Andy, I’m in the Chelsea Hotel.
JD: Yes Andy, the Chelsea is still standing. I know, it’s beyond human comprehension.
JD: No, Andy, it’s not a Shining Palace on a Dark Street No More, its bright sign has been eclipsed by all of these monstrosities.
JD: Gawd Andy remember all of the fun we used to have in the lobby. You don’t? Well I do!
JD: Yes Andy, I know that Valerie Solanas used to live here in the Chelsea, but I didn’t want to bring that up.
Flawless Sabrina also had a lot to say to Andy about the current president. However, Sabrina's look brought to mind a former president and his mother. I think Sabrina's wig owes a debt to Ma Clinton's reverse skunk look.
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