Monday, November 7, 12:00
Public Memorial Service for Arnold Weinstein, long time resident of the Hotel Chelsea.
Walter Kerr Theater, 219 West 48th Street, NY NY
William Bolcom Remembers Arnold
45 years Arnold and I worked together. Our Cabaret Songs were written expressly for Joan and are done now by all kinds of singers from cabaret to classical -- not at the Chelsea though -- but our operas took form at the hotel, and so much else. Long may the Hotel Chelsea endure - it's an oasis in an increasingly cruel and uncaring world, for not only the arts but the human race. Wm Bolcom (Photo: William, Arnold & Arthur Miller)
Sparkle Hayter Remembers Arnold
As far as the Chelsea Hotel goes, Arnold was the sage godfather of the hotel and all its sweet little freaks and geniuses. Having been there a long time, he had seen every aspect of humanity in the raw. Little could surprise him, and though he had a bemused cynicism, he was never jaded and rarely judgmental of the people around him. (Political leaders were another matter.)
Monday, November 7, 9:00 p.m.
The Eliza Battle will be playing at the Pussycat Lounge. Joining them on drums will be Lisa from the 8th floor. It's their first public gig.
Pussycat Lounge, 96 Greenwich St., 2nd floor, NY NY
Wednesday, November 9, 5:30 p.m.
Dylan Thomas will be brought back to life on the anniversary of his death. He will read his poem, "Do Not Go Gentle Into That Good Night." His ghost has been spotted several places recently including at the White Horse Tavern and in Austin, Texas. The director of a film about Dylan's ghost, Binda Singh, answered a few questions for the blog.
1. What inspired you to make a film about Dylan Thomas' ghost?
I was raised in Swansea and still live here. I felt that Dylans's work was being overlooked by youngsters and felt that a story which might bring him to their attention would help new readers discover him. Hence the decision to use a 'ghost' Dylan in a contemporary setting.
2. Have you ever visited the Chelsea Hotel?
No I haven't, but would obviously love day.
3. Did you consider filming at the Chelsea?
No I haven't. The thought didn't enter my head mentioned it on your web site. In the movie Dylan haunts the Uni in Swansea....
Dylan Thomas Centre, South Wales
Thursday, November 10
Jeremy Blake: Sodium Pop can be viewed at the Feigen Contemporary Gallery until November 12. Read the reviews in Time Out: New York and Paper or read about Jeremy's 1995 visit to the Hotel Chelsea.
Feigen Contemporary, 535 W. 20th St., NY NY
Friday, November 11, 10 p.m.
Book launch party for Tetched, a Novel in Fractals by Thad Rutkowski. Wine and refreshments served. Guests Hal Sirowitz, Janice Eidus, Cheryl B., Tsaurah Litzky, and Amy Ouzoonian. AHCB#2 highly recommends Tetched. Thad has a minimalist style somewhat reminiscent of the old Bard of the Bar Room (Bukowski), and, more importantly, he seems to drink like him. Thad’s funny, compelling, and strangely addictive little stories have a logic all their own and will have you questioning your own place in the universe. But remember, “You have a choice. You can wring your hands and become a fairy. Or you can do what I did. I found an Asian woman.” Or anyway, that’s what the main character’s father tells him in Thad’s new book, Tetched, which is out now on Behler Publications of California. The book reminded me in particular of Bukowski’s Ham on Rhy, especially as concerns the father character, and I highly recommend it.
St. Mark’s Poetry Project, 131 East 10th Street (at Second Avenue). $8
Saturday, November 12, 6:00 p.m.
Wallace the pug's birthday party. This annual event held in the lobby of the Hotel Chelsea is not to be missed. Don't ask how old he is, it's not polite. If it's anything like last year's party the Veuve Clique will be flowing. For the humans, not for the dogs.
Hotel Chelsea, 222 W. 23rd St., NY NY
If you have a relevant event that you would like featured in "All Tomorrow's Parties," please e-mail the information to [email protected]
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