Two gunmen held 10 men and 5 women for two hours in room 330 in the Chelsea Hotel. Police officers from the 10th Precinct responded to calls that "men were running around the Chelase Hotel with machine guns." The cops searched the hotel from top to bottom, but found nothing. Meanwhile, there were all of these people hanging around in the lobby saying they had been robbed. While the cops were questioning the vicitims, Mr. Bard indicated that he had received a call from the guests in room 119 and that they wanted to check out fast. Officer Abbinanti put on a bellhop's jacket and walked up to room 119. One of the men tried to slip the money for the room through a crack in the door... "Checking out was their downfall," Officer Kiley said, "If they had sat tight, they would have gotten away with it." The bad guys had been staying in room 119. (Source: New York Times, Oct 21, 1974)
I'm happy to report that the bad mojo no longer haunts 330 or 119.
Ryan Adams wrote a song or two while living in 330.
Blogger Lynn Shaw Croft reports that she and comedian Mitch Hedberg lived in 330 in 1998.
Blogger Jay Bee reports that he stayed in 119 last year and all was fine, but he wants to know if Dee Dee Ramone ever lived in 117. Does anybody know?
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