In 1981, 'Arena,' a British TV program, ran a profile of the Chelsea Hotel which focused on place and atmosphere. In celebration of Arena's 30th birthday, the Chelsea Hotel show was replayed last Saturday. Blogger Stephen, caught the show and provides us with highlights.
"It also featured Jobraith at a piano singing a fantastic song about New York City (why wasn't he a bigger star?), a dancer dressed as a snake making snake-like movements in the privacy of his hotel-room and appearing to worship the sun from his window, Quentin Crisp nasally spouting some well practiced vignette, and Nico insisting that SHE made the hotel famous because 'all the others are dead' (and presumably not in a position to dispute) and then singing 'Chelsea Girls'... and so on and so forth."
Here is a link to two MP3s from the documentary, which feature Jobraith.
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