A brilliant idea. As far as I know, this is the first podcast from the hotel. I haven't checked it out yet, but I intend to. Hopefully, I'll have more info to post about the podcaster(s) later.
Interviews and music from the Chelsea Hotel in New York City or here.
As promised, here’s what the caster(s) had to say about setting up the first ever podcast from the Chelsea. Personally, I can’t wait for the second episode.
Not an easy thing to say when it comes to the Chelsea considering that anything worth anything worth mentioning was either done or done first inside those hallowed walls. This is not to say that it was done well. And there we come to the first chelseahotel podcast by me, a 12 year resident, and really just a bit of mockumentary farce in the hopes of learning this podcast thing from the ground floor up and getting something out there. Not to say it aint funny and the music aint hip but it's a bit of a first stab at mild pod like entertainment. Oh yea, and that's not really Arthur C. Clarke reading from the 2001 script. The next episode's gonna be a doozy though. We've got Rene Ricard, live music, more seances to Sid, great tunes and a slicker format and audio quality. So stay tuned!
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