Internationally acclaimed author Susan Swan tells us why Casanova wasn't a cad and why she always stays at the Chelsea. She also shares details about her forthcoming project which happens to involve one of my favorite Chelsea authors, Thomas Wolfe.
What do you do?
I'm a Toronto novelist with six books of fiction published internationally, here, in Europe and South America. My latest novel is What Casanova Told Me, published this week by Bloomsbury US. It was timed to come out with the anniversary of Casanova's death, June 4, 1798. He wasn't really a cad who used women like Kleenex but a talent literary writer who once famously said, "I've never made love to a woman whose language I didn't speak because I like to enjoy myself in all my senses at once." My novel tells the story of his last legendary love affair with Asked For Adams, the American cousin of John Adams, and a descendent of puritans. Her story of her travels in the Mediterrean is told in a journal passed on to a descendant who is visiting some of the same places.
Why did you choose to stay at the Chelsea?
I always stay at the Chelsea when I come to town. I first came here in 1986 and met Jerry and Stanley who don't change. When I walk into the lobby, they say, WElcome home, Susan. Where else do you find hotels that treat you like that? In my fantasy for the next five years of my life, I would like to rent Norm's suite on the tenth floor and tend his gorgeous roof garden. Maybe it was my years as a performance artist in the 1970's that told me there is more to life than corporate style hotels. That goes for everything I do.
What is your favorite Chelsea Hotel Story?
My favourite Chelsea story just happened to me. In March, I was looking to sublet at the hotel so I noticed the very tall blonde woman riding up in the elevator and asked her if she knew anyone who had a space to rent. She looked me in the eye (I'm six two too) and said, "Yeah, me. It's Thomas Wolfe's old suite." Now I'm renting it while I publicize my Casanova novel. The first night I slept in it I dreamt of Wolfe who said nice things about my novel. I love its faded baronial splendour and when the sun goes down, I toast his ghost with a glass of delicious California Zin.
Would you ever have a character in your fiction stay at the Chelsea?
Absolutely. Wolfe, for one. I am currently writing some pieces for the New York Times about his legacy or what's left of it. Usually, my obsessions and I have one with Wolfe end up in fiction too. Recently, I've been thinking the Chelsea would be great material for a TV sitcom.
If you want more information on me and my books, visit There's also a BookShort based on my latest novel the two and a half minute version is available to watch online. There is also a DVD available of the six minute version. Vist the the BookShorts site or contact [email protected]
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